Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Blog 6: Intercultural Relationship Questions

Intercultural relationships are becoming more and more common throughout the years.  So the big questions are would you/could you hook up or marry someone…
Of another race/ethnicity
Maybe, depending on their race/ethnicity.  I was in a relationship with a guy for three years who was Native American.
 Different religious beliefs
Yes so it’s not like I have to conform to their beliefs, we can both have our own beliefs.

Very different class
Depending on the social class.  Rich yes poor no.  I wouldn’t be able to give up my luxurious lifestyle that I already live now and would feel really bad for the guy who is really poor.

Physical disability
Depending on the disability.  I feel like if it was a small disability where they were able to still do things for themselves it would be completely fine but if they had a severe disability I don’t think I would be able to do it.  It would be very stressful providing for him.   I also think it depends on if I meet them before they were disabled or if it happened after we met.
Hidden disability
Again, I think it would depend on the severity.  For me, if it was a severe mental disability, I don’t think that I would be able to handle it.  I think it also depends on if he just got the disability or if he had it all his life.  If it only happened every once in a while it would be easier to handle rather than something very severe.
Not conformed to gender expectations
I definitely don’t think that I could date or even hook up with someone who didn’t conform to society gender expectations.  I don’t have any problem with them as people but for me I just don’t think that I could do it.
Much older/younger than you
Absolutely not.  Very gross and I think that it should be very illegal.  I think that the largest gap should only be a few years and nothing over 8 years.  For me, I think about it being like an 18 year old with a 10 year old and that would be gross and unhealthy.  I feel like it would be more acceptable if they were much older but because I am young, I see it more in that pedophile way.
Who’s primary language isn’t English
No.  I can’t stand people who don’t speak fluent in English.  I know it isn’t their fault but for me it is very difficult for me to understand them which makes me less attracted to them.

I think that where I am from, intercultural relationships aren’t as common because there isn’t very many different culturally diverse people in my town.  I feel now that I am living in Menomonie my thoughts have changed a little bit but there really isn’t much cultural diversity here either. 

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