Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Blog 2: Attachment Style

Attachment forms through a special emotional relationship that involves an exchange of comfort, care, and pleasure.  My first attachment was with my mother.  She was a stay at home mom so she was always around.  I feel that my early attachment style was insecure/ambivalent.  I know my mom didn’t always jump and coming running when I needed something.  She believed in letting us children cry it out sometimes.  I feel that we were always fed and changed when it was needed but if we were fussy she wouldn’t always comfort me.  I know that it really didn’t bother me when she left but I know when my dad left for work that I would come out of bed to say goodbye at three in the morning.  I wasn’t really worried to much about strangers and I would warm up to people pretty quick making sure it was okay by my parents. I definitely had the attitude when I was younger that I wasn’t sure that I could count of people when I need them. 

I feel like my adult attachment style is a bit of secure and a bit of anxious/preoccupied.  I feel that I have a secure attachment at times because it is pretty easy to become emotionally close with others.  I don’t really worry about others accepting me.  If someone doesn’t like me well that sucks for them I don’t care.  I have a very positive view of myself and positive view on others.  I feel that I have an anxious/preoccupied attachment style at time because I tend to seek high levels of intimacy, approval, and responsiveness from my partner at times.  I typically have doubts with my current almost relationship because I do want it to work out and I don’t want to be hurt.  I don’t really see myself as clingy but Jacob does at times because we only have three to six days together a month and I want to spend every minute of those days with him because the other 25 days I’m almost four hours away.  The final thing that I see is that I have high levels of emotional expressiveness, worry, and impulsive because of the long distance relationship that we are trying to have.  

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